There are tantalising snatches of those adventures in Rare's second crossover trailer below, including the appearance of Davy Jones and his intimidating vessel the Flying Dutchman, battles against gargantuan mermaid statues, and even a portable talking skull that should stir fond memories for Monkey Island aficionados. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End is a film directed by Gore Verbinski with Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom, Bill Nighy. It features five new Tall Tales episodes (the first since March 2020's Heart of Fire), charting Jack Sparrow's arrival in the Sea of Thieves and the events that ensue. The centrepiece of Sea of Thieves' Pirates of the Caribbean crossover - officially known as A Pirate's Life - takes the form of a brand-new cinematic story campaign. And if the arrival of Captain Jack Sparrow wasn't enough to be excited about, it's also finally giving the formidable kraken a face - which makes an appearance in a brand-new trailer.

Sea of Thieves' next major free update is packing in one hell of a crossover, bringing the world of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean into Rare's swashbuckling multiplayer adventure.