There are also four additional races with the expansion pack, and a hero has been added with each new race the Night Elf of Warden being one example. This is when the help from online players comes in handy as they can help you defeat enemies. New army units are available with The Frozen Throne, and although some units are difficult to explore, most of them are easy to view. You will also see a box that gives details about the weapons that you have and the life that you have left. It now has highlighted areas to show where you are in the game instead you have to search for your area. When you look at the maps on the screen, you will see that there are improvements. Your game is improved with The Frozen Throne as the expansion removes some of the bugs that make it difficult to advance to other levels.

The graphics of the game are detailed, although there are several dark areas in the game, so you have to pay attention to where you're going or you will get lost while playing. One of the advantages of the pack is that you can battle against online players as well as orcs that are in the game. The pack can be used to fix some of the issues that are seen in the game without downloading the game all over again or using a scanner to remove the issues. This is a simple expansion pack that gives numerous features to Warcraft III. New tasks and features are added to Warcraft III with The Frozen Throne.