Skip to first steps if you are keen to implement without understanding the background, Understanding the TLS 1.2 handshake and authentication. Someone would need to steal my USB dongle to use my private key and logon. Note: If you have your TLS private key in a file, and people can copy that file, they can impersonate you! You need to protect the file, bearing in mind your corporate IT department may be able to view any backups etc that you have. You can also use a certificate to logon, so you do not need the password, you just need the private key (or in my case the USB dongle with my encrypted Hardware Security Module(HSM) keystore on it). If you use -w ? it will prompt for your password, so it is not visible. Ldapsearch -h -D “cn=Admin, o=Your Company” -w secret -b “o=Your Company” “(objectclass=*)” aclEntry You can logon to LDAP and specify a userid (DN) and password, for example I created “What cipher specs should I use?” because most of my problems, were due to using the wrong cipher specs, or the right cipher specs, but it the wrong order! Logging on Using an Elliptic Curve certificate to and RSA certificate on the server seems impossible, it eventually worked! Setting up the simplest case of an RSA certificate on the client and an RSA certificate on the server, was pretty easy to set up. Get that working before trying certificate authentication.

I describe setting up TLS and LDAP (without certificate authentication) here. Now I know the traps, it takes about 10 minutes. The whole end-to-end of getting TLS and LDAP, with certificate authentication took me several weeks to set up. This started off as part of a small task, when I had half an hour gap before lunch.